Southern Railways has announced the launch of new special train services between Chennai and Palakkad. The special train will leave from Chennai Central at 9:40 pm and arrive in Palakkad at 10:10 am next day morning, the return service from Palakkad at 3:35 pm and arrive in Chennai at 4:05 am next day morning.
The train services from Chennai will be operational from 8th December 2020 and from Palakkad will be operational from 9th December 2020. The train number allocated for Chennai to Palakkad is 02651 and Palakkad to Chennai is 02652.
The train consists of AC First Class Cum 2 Tier 1, 1 2 Tier, 2 AC 3 Tier, 11 Sleeper Coaches, 4 Second Class Coaches. The passenger can book their tickets online by visiting
Pic Courtesy : Southern Railways